Court Guidelines

Courts 1 & 2 - Teaching Courts

When not in use, OPEN PLAY. If Court 2 is open, it may be used as a Challenge Court. 

Court Reserve

Courts 7, 8, 9, & 10 are available for reservation. $40 for 90 minute time slots of reserved play. When not reserved, Courts 7-10 may be used OPEN PLAY LEVEL OF PLAY. For most OPEN PLAY scenarios, beginners to 3.75 players will be most comfortable on Courts 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. For your safety and the safety of others, assess the level of play on all courts before paddling up to see where your game is best suited for quality play for all.

Reserve through Court Reserve here.

Open Play Rotations

Two Up/Two Down Rotation (6 or fewer paddles waiting):
Winners remain on the court and split. Two new players from the rack join the new game. After two consecutive games, leave the court and paddle up again. Option: Four players coming as a group and wanting to play as a foursome, find the next open court with four available slots and place paddles in those slots. If a group of two or three is ahead of the foursome, they may pick someone up from the group coming off to make four players on the court. Next up will then be the foursome. Four On/Four Off Rotation (7 or more paddles waiting).

Challenge Court

Winners stay for up to three games when two or more teams (or four players) are waiting. Teams of two are recommended as single players can disrupt the order of play.

Singles Play

Singles play is available if there are open courts. If paddles are in the queue, OPEN PLAY rotations should be followed.

West Reading Pickleball Code of Conduct

“Do unto others as I would have them do unto me."


I will treat others with respect.
I will NOT engage in unsportsmanlike conduct or promote taunting, name-calling, or jeering of any kind.
I will NOT use profanity. 


I will NOT engage in conduct that would endanger the health, safety, or well-being of others.


I will exhibit fairness and honesty in my interactions with other players.

Players and spectators engaging in activity that is against our Code of Conduct or seen as detrimental to the pickleball community may be asked to leave the facility.

Thank you for making the West Reading Pickleball courts a welcoming and all-inclusive environment!